Blurred Circle Gradient Orange Pink



Where AI and blockchain work together



We began with a simple yet ​profound idea: What if we ​could combine the power of ​artificial intelligence with the ​security and transparency of ​blockchain? This idea ​sparked a mission to explore ​and develop innovative ​solutions that leverage both ​technologies' strengths to ​create something truly ​transformative.

Blurred Circle Gradient Orange Pink


Blurred Circle Gradient Orange Pink

How to buy?

Install a crypto wallet, ​like MetaMask, on your ​phone or as a Google ​Chrome extension to ​manage your digital ​assets.

Purchase Binance ​Coin (BNB) directly ​within your wallet or ​on an exchange, then ​transfer it to your ​crypto wallet.

Go to PancakeSwap, ​connect your wallet, ​and paste the DQT ​address. Select the ​desired amount to ​swap for DQT.

Review your transaction ​details. Ensure ​everything is correct ​before finalizing your ​purchase by confirming ​and signing.

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